Thursday, April 23, 2009

Catching Up... again!

This blog will probably be a jumble of pictures and words, but here goes.

Maid for Hire: Very portable, cute, and fun, but usually causes more of mess! Bailey loves to wipe anything down with her rag and sweeps every surface she can reach even me!

Easter-A religious moment- I am so grateful for the whole purpose of Easter and all that the Savior did for me. Now a spoiled child moment-with the end of tax season I get more and more stir crazy so Bailey and I did a lot of shopping the week before Easter which means her Easter surprises where a bit much, but she's so dang cute I couldn't help myself. I DON'T know why the hat had to be on, when she woke up Ben went to get her and she spotted the hat and had it on ALL morning. She got her own broom from the Easter Bunny and sweeps 3-4 times a day!

Ben was awesome that morning, took care of Bailey when she woke up (fed and changed diaper) let me sleep a little longer, made breakfast for us, and I found an IPOD Nano in my Easter Basket. My old MP3 player died, but I am still trying to figure out how to work the new one, any help would be nice! This picture is on our way out the door to church.

On Thursday Ben's sister called and said that they were on their way through Logan and would be at my house in about 20 minutes. We went for some ice cream before they headed on to Ben's brother's house. This is Bailey and Corbyn, he is a cutie.

On Saturday the USU Football team was having a spring game and of course anything sports related Ben had to go. It was a nice day and great to be together even at a USU football game. Bailey loves having Ben home more often. I thought the picture was so cute, she looks so little.

Ben also attacked his list of "Honey Do's" on Saturday! After 5 months of not having a husband he had a lot of things to do. Some he ignored, others took little time and some he hated! Bailey has been getting into drawers and cupboards since February and Ben said that HE would put on clips to stop her from emptying every cupboard I have so that was the one he hated. I stayed by his side for moral support and tried not to giggle to much!


Sommers said...

Those latches are a pain in the neck. Love the easter dress.

A 'n D said...

thanks for all the great catch-ups! you're a good example i need to follow! i'm hoping with myself being somewhat of a work widow for the next couple months i can not get too far behind!