Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Moment...

Ok, I am having a tender moment :) I usually don't share these because anyone close to me knows that I am normally very emotional, but here goes. I put Bailey down for her nap at 10:45am, she went right down like a little champ, I then proceeded to check my e-mail and than forced myself away from the computer to clean the bathrooms. I love cleaning (my house doesn't always show it though) but not the bathrooms. But today is clean the bathroom day and yes I did clean both bathrooms and am done. Bailey usually wakes up when I have about 5-10 minutes left, but didn't this time so I went and checked on her and she is still out plug in mouth and huggies on each side of her. I was very grateful that she slept the whole time and grateful when I checked on her for just having her little self all together. And than I had a random thought of how grateful I am for Ben for not EVER arguing with me when I do or buy something for Bailey that he may not understand, but that I feel very strongly about. I am also grateful for a very hard working husband and SOOO grateful that the dreaded tax season is over!

I also realize that I have not posted about last week, but I have yet to down load last weeks pictures-on my to do list maybe for Bailey's next nap!


Melissa Hernandez said...

I dread the bathroom cleaning days, if I wasn't so darn frugile, I would even consider hiring those "Merry Maids" to just come and do my bathrooms!!! But, don't you feel so good after they are sparkly and clean (and smell nice!!!!)

Sommers said...

I love the TAX DEDUCTION~!!!!