Friday, May 22, 2009

My Nieces

Last week we went to a soccer game. One of our friends daughters played, Ben and I have wanted to go to a game for a while now, but haven't been able to. Well Ben had to go to Afton Wyoming for work last week and was gone for the day and I decided that was the perfect day for Bailey and I to go. As you can see from the picture Bailey was very supportive of her friend Anna.

Bailey and I also took a small road trip to Layton to have lunch with my niece Lexie. My mom left a bag in their car last week and asked me to go and get it from Lex. Well we also had to meet some guy to do some installation work on the new car and he was coming from Draper and Layton is closer than Logan so it was a productive trip. I was really glad Lexie was there I was a little nervous to meet some random guy with just me and Bailey. Lex and I had lunch at Red Robin and we just talked and laughed. I loved seeing and spending time with her. Well the installation guy left two doors open and my radio on the whole time he was working on the car. So by the time Lexie and I were getting ready to leave my battery was completely dead! :)Now usually I would just call Ben, but being in Layton that didn't work to well. Once again THANK HEAVENS for Lexie. She said she knew how to jump start a car, but didn't have any jumper cables. Well a long time ago, my wonderful father gave me a road side emergency bag that had jumper cables. So with Lexie's know how, my cables, and two calls to Ben- we jumped my car! Thanks for the adventure Lexie-I love you and we should get together more often.

My other niece Lyndsie graduated from her Radiology Tech program. In the picture she is the one in the flowered dress on the end. So we headed home to be there for that. We all went out to eat before her graduation, the food was great and we loved seeing everyone. Lou has had a busy, rough year so far, but she worked really hard no matter what. She was actually the youngest in her program and we are so proud of her and love her a lot. Congratulations Lyndsie!

While we were there we (Ben, Bailey, and I) took a ride with my dad. We went to check on some cattle in a Rhino borrowed from Sommers dad. Dad actually had to change the battery on one of the fences. We checked for new calves, went to see the basketball court my brother Todd made, and went to see Jake (my nephew) and Kristie's house that is having a make over.
We had a great time seeing family and friends this last week. It was a great week to be able to see two out of the three of my nieces (on my side). Thanks to my family for helping with Bailey during the graduation.

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