It has been a busy two months. We moved into scary house and I HATED it. A big thanks to everyone who helped us move though.
We were only in scary house a few weeks when Hinkley was born. She arrived as scheduled, the only thing not planned was her size, she was 8lbs 1oz and 19 inches long! My dad's comment was "No wonder Alisa was so big!" She has more hair than Bailey did and her skin is a little darker. She is definitely her own little person. Neither Ben nor I think she looks at all like Bailey did. Thanks to all the family and friends who came, called, emailed, sent text messages, etc. We appreciate your thoughtfulness. I was in the hospital for 4 days and was happy to get released.
Bailey was so cute with Hinkley when they first brought her into to see Hinkley and I. She sat on the bed with me and she and I both had to be holding Hinkley. Whenever anyone, even Ben or Grandparents, tried to take or touch Hinkley Bailey just cried and cried. She has done great with her and is such a little helper. Actually Bailey has done amazing with all of the changes in her life since March. Three houses, tax season, and a new little sister.
Two weeks after Hinkley was born we moved into our new house. I don't have a picture of the finished product, sorry. This picture was taken a month before it was done. Thanks once again to everyone who helped us move. Especially those who helped us move all THREE TIMES! We were in three house in three months something I don't advise. We are loving our new home, we are still not settled in, but with a new born and still recovering from surgery it's as good as it can be.
Hinkley is doing great and growing WAY to fast! Sometimes I can't believe she is here and she is already a month old! She does amazing at night only wakes up once or twice. She LOVES to cuddle and its so hard not to cuddle with her constantly, which may explain why there are still boxes all over the house! I love her little smiles and she is a mommas girl which I love too!
To all who didn't know my parents got their mission call to Frankfurt Germany. I'm trying to be happy about it. Just hard to think of them gone for so long and so far away. And Congratulations to Scott and Sommers on thier new baby boy!
Hope to catch up some more but Hinkley is paging me
Hinkley is so so cute! And I love the name. WOW... you have been busy! Your new house is beautiful!! How fun ;) Remember the "means to an end" times? Life seems pretty great, congrats!!
yay for updates!! and i didn't know you had surgery with hinkley!! you poor you needed anything else to deal with!
glad you're gradually getting settled & i look forward to visiting sometime this summer & meeting #2 in person!
when are your parents leaving???
Congrats on the new little one - she is beautiful
Lis, I feel so bad I haven't come to meet cute lil Hinkley, she looks perfect! Also I really want to come see the new house, but with 2 kids its a lil hard to find someone to watch them so I can come. I am thinking about you and hope your doing great! I really need to come and bring Hinkley her lil gift! So happy to have finally seen her - congrats!
Wow, Congrats Alisa and Ben!! She is beautiful and so is your new house!
I'm glad everything worked its way out and that you are settled.
Good luck, always thinking of you!!
Congratulations! They are adorable together, Bailey looks so proud. Enjoy it all amongst the craziness- I can't believe our newest is already almost 4 months old! It goes by way too fast. Sounds like alot of excitement for you all this year! Tell your parents congrats too!
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