Monday, January 12, 2009

Catching Up

So, it's been a little while since I've updated my blog, so here we go! Two weeks ago (the week of New Years) We made a crazy unplanned trip to Pocatello to Ben's brother's to look at a house. Luckily for us my parents were headed home after spending a few days with my sister and met us to take Bailey with them. Ben and I weren't sure what the situation would be in Pocatello so we thought that would be best for Bailey and of course Grandma and Grandpa were thrilled. So they took Bailey with them and we all went our separate ways. Well we didn't end up leaving Pocatello until about 11:30pm that night, once again thanks for taking Bailey. Ben and I are real party animals and were both asleep by about 10:30pm New Years Eve.
This last week I finally put Christmas away, it was bugging me because I knew it HAD to be done so thank heavens Bailey was a good napper so I could finish it all up. We also had visitors this week. Ben's brother Jacob and his wife Breawna, came to visit. Their original plans were to come up on Friday and leave on Saturday. Jacob is our mechanic and both of our cars needed a little attention. It's really nice to have a mechanic that will come to you and he give a really good discount! Anyway Breawna's brother lives here and the five of us went out to dinner when they got to town. Bailey was down for the night by than so our wonderful Baby sitter Sydney came over. After dinner we played the Wii, we played the Wii all night long. On Saturday Jacob fixed the cars and as he and I were talking in our disaster of a garage he said "you know you guys really need to buy some hooks to hang your bikes." Ok well I have been telling Ben that for 3(!!) years, but of course when Jacob suggests it, Ben thinks it's the best idea ever. So THANK YOU Jacob for fixing the cars and organizing the garage. We now have hooks, racks, and shelves. Jacob and Breawna left Sunday morning sore from playing so much on the Wii. I should have taken more pictures!

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