Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Few Of my Favorite Relatives

This last week my niece Lyndsie came to visit me, we are only 8 years apart and I love that I am still cool enough to hang out with a 21 year old! :)We had a great time. Ben is in tax season and so we never see him. He is usually gone by 5:45am and doesn't get home until about 7:00pm. Yea tax season. Anyway so it was a perfect time for Lyndsie to come and see me, we had great food, Muddy Buddies, Fire House, stayed up way late, talked and watched movies. Thanks Lyndsie we love you and hope you come and visit again soon. These are pictures from our Gerratt family trip to Mexico.

Also this week Ben's brother Jacob wanted us to go to Pocatello to look at some more houses with him. It worked out great because Lyndsie had to get back home to work (she works at 3 different hospitals) and so she was able to take Bailey to my parents. Well that was the plan but her dad (my brother Todd and his wife) actually kept her Saturday night. Anyway we looked at houses, ate lunch and dinner, went to the movie and played games and had a good Saturday. But we missed Bailey, it is just SO hard to leave her. Below is a picture of the new dress the Todd and family got here when they were in Mexico a few weeks ago.

We got to my parents late Saturday night and Sunday afternoon some of my Aunts showed up just to hang out. My Aunt Louise has always lived pretty close to us and when we were little we used to get her and my mom confused! My Aunt Carol has always lived in Idaho and I actually lived with her for a summer when I was going to college. And of course my grandma, she is the one who took care of me from the day I was born until I was 2 months old when my adoption was final. I love seeing them and they have always been a great example to me.

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