Tuesday, May 12, 2009

And We're Back!

Well after I got over someone flagging my blog Ben and I talked over whether we should go private or not. And we decided not to go private unless something else happens. Thank you to everyone who got in touch with us about going private. We heard from people we knew were following our blog and some that we didn't but were happy that they were. I heard from a cousin who I was really close to when we were little girls and friends from Ben and I's high school -crazy enough the cousin and this specific friend have the same initials K.H.- I have gotten in touch with more friends from my past from having a blog than any other way so crazies or not here we are.

I hope to all the mothers that I know that everyone had a wonderful Mothers Day. There is a poem that I have about adopted children that says"...there were two women who never knew each other, one you do not remember the other you call mother, two different lives shaped to make yours one." That is so true. The women who I call mother and IS my mother is an amazing women who has done and still does so much for me. And to my mother-in-law, she raised an amazing son, is a wonderful grandmother and mother-in-law. Ben and Bailey made my Mothers Day AMAZING - and I still think it's crazy that I am a mother!

Well we've had a fun few weeks. Thanks Jacob and Breawna for coming down to see us, for all you help, advice, being Bailey's nannies, and playing with us. Jacob is our mechanic, he's amazing with cars and went all over SLC helping in the crazy car buying process.

1 comment:

Melissa Hernandez said...

Lot's of people are going private, It is scary not knowing who looks at your blog. But that's weird that it got flagged! If you decide to go private make sure I get an invite!!! Your little girl is darling and I can't believe how fast she is growing up!