Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Niece Update

Thank you to those who have contacted me (in someway or another)about my families medical issues. I appreciate your support and thoughtfulness.

As for an update a week ago on Monday my niece received the results from her biopsy after her surgery. The results were that the growth was malignant. For her being so young it was hard to take. Thyroid cancer (caught early) is very treatable, but she was back in for surgery on Wednesday to have her thyroid removed. She did well during surgery and was scheduled to leave the hospital on Thursday morning, but because her calcium levels were so low she wasn't released until that afternoon. The doctors did another biopsy on her lymph nodes and her parathyroid (I have no clue what that is). The results for those came back clean! The cancer has not spread and we are all very excited. She will have a doctors appointment at the end of this week to have her stitches removed and get more information and details on her radiation treatment. We are just glad that after two surgeries, three biopsies and a lot of doctor visits that she is going to be ok.

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