Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Not a good day!

Ok, so who's idea was it for Bailey to get her shots! She wouldn't nap at all today unless she was snuggling or being held so I accomplished nothing at all. She was grumpy, fussy, and just all around not a happy girl, it's a good thing I love her as much as I do. The only time she wasn't too fussy was when she was trying to get into Obi's dog food, it's a good thing he loves her too. Her fever hit at about 3:30pm around 100.3 and of course I couldn't get a hold of Ben at work to see when he would be home, you know how those silly accountants are work, work, work. So luckily for me my awesome, wonderful neighbor Nicole took Bailey while I ran to the store for some fever medicine. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. These picture wasn't taken today but it fits the mood at our house.

1 comment:

The Tressler Adventures said...

Alisa, Bailey's little scowl is so you. I have seen you give people that same look. How awesome is that!