Sunday, November 23, 2008

Play date

My friend Sherri and I are trying to get together - mostly for my sanity - once a week for her youngest and Bailey to play. Bailey needs to spend time with other people and we love Sherri and family so it works out. But I seem to forget my camera every time we get together. This last week Bailey fell asleep on the way to Sherri's and Cara went down soon after we got there and didn't wake up until after we had left. So the girls didn't see each other, but I had a wonderful time talking to Sherri for over an hour peacefully! Here is a picture of them playing on Saturday with the magnets on the fridge.


april said...

Play dates are the best! I wish we lived closer! Kaitlyn and Bailey would have fun together. I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving! Merry Christmas!

Alleman Family said...

I didn't realize that you had posted my AWESOME picuture on your blog!! Can't wait for the yummy food and GREAT company tomorrow night... NO KIDS!! HORRAH!!!