Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Family Reunion

This last week was busy, but fun and it went by fast. On Monday we celebrated Jon's birthday-it was the week before, but Monday was as soon as we could all get together. We had a great time and the girls played great together. On Tuesday Sherri and the girls came over for a little while in the morning and in the afternoon we met at one of Logan's gyms. Her two oldest are taking swimming lessons there and I went to sign up Bailey for a Mommy and Me swim class. On Wednesday Bailey and I had Story hour and had Tyler over for dinner. On Thursday we ran errands.

On Friday was my Mom's extended family reunion at Bear Lake. All but my brother Todd (and family), my sister-in-Law Sommers, and nephew Brandon came. They all arrived in the afternoon so after we hit the sidewalk sales we headed up. We had fun seeing everyone. We came home Friday and Saturday night to get some sleep and allow everyone else to sleep. We were a little worried about Bailey. On Saturday we headed to the lake and play on the beach. Bailey loved the water! She hated coming in, but the older kids were so cold from the water their lips were blue! Bailey got Grandma and Papa to take her on rides frequently and had a blast playing with Zach, Lily, Nic, and Shaydon. All play really well together and the older kids are soo good with Bailey. Bailey also learned that Lexie is fun to hang out with and was constantly grabbing a hold of her finger. My sister-in-law Yvonne bought some toys for her kids and of course hooked up Bailey with the toys, which Bailey has to sleep with, take to church, and everywhere else.
We had a great time and everyone made it home safe. A huge thank you to everyone who helped/played with Bailey.

On Sunday Dad, Mom, Scott, and Shaydon stopped by for a quick bite to eat and a little nap. Mom brought the lunch - food she had packed for the reunion. And since everyone was traveling home Ben and I took the kids outside to play while the rest slept. They are hanging out in the empty pool and Shaydon's hat was buried in the trunk so he is wearing one of Bailey's. Ben and I have both said how much we would love to live closer to Zach, Lily, Nic, and Shaydon so that Bailey could be with them more.

1 comment:

Sommers said...

sounds like lots of fun!! sorry i miss it:( Thanks for being such a good aunt!!