Saturday, October 11, 2008

4 Days in Burley

What a crazy week! Ben's birthday was Monday, a good day had by all. On Tuesday Bailey and I headed to Burley. I was REALLY nervous about going because it was to be our first solo trip -without Ben- but she did really well. She fell asleep right before we got on the interstate and woke up right before the Burley exit.
I went to Burley to see my friend Katrin; she is a friend from high school who I haven't seen in about 8 years. I had a great time talking with her and I hope to be able to see her again around Thanksgiving.
While we were in Burley, Bailey had her traditional grandchild bath -which is in my mom's kitchen sink, she got a much needed hair cut, we took our first trip to the Pumpkin Patch -the Pumpkin Patch is in Rupert; this man grows all sorts of wonderful things for the fall and lets people wander all over his yard and fields and pick pumpkins, gourds, Indian corn, corn stalks, bails of straw etc, I loved it. My mom caught a cold which hit the day we arrived so Bailey spent a lot of time with my dad. Whenever she was crawling on the floor dad was right behind her, it was pretty cute. We had a great trip, thanks Mom & Dad for the great 4 days. Also thank you to Grandma, Grandpa, & Aunt Yvonne for the cute Halloween toys!

1 comment:

Sommers said...

Glad you guys had fun!! I just lOVE Bailey's jacket...Where did you get it?