Sunday, August 2, 2009

3 Weeks in a Row

Two weeks ago was Bailey's bad week, last week was just a crazy/busy week and this week was a stressful week.

We arrived home on Sunday night from Idaho, Ben got Bailey out of the car seat and handed her to me. As soon as I took her I could tell something was wrong, she had a fever over 101 degrees. We gave her some medicine which didn't do anything for the fever at all. She woke up at 11:30pm and her fever was over 103 and being the paranoid mother that I am I decided that she and I should sleep in the guest room. I hate sleeping in the same bed with Bailey and this was no exception, but I was too worried about her to let her sleep alone. Her fever was so high she was delirious which was pretty scary to me. I got about 3 hours of sleep that night. Ben was awesome and came home at noon on Monday to help out and let me get some sleep.

She had a fever Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. By Tuesday I had called the Dr.'s twice and they told me to bring her in Tuesday morning. So I did and the Dr. couldn't find anything wrong with her except her fever. He told me that it was probably Roseola which is that she would have a fever for 3-5 days and than break out in a rash. Which she finally did on Thursday. She is doing much better and Ben was awesome to help out with anything and everything. I am so thankful for an awesome husband, it was his idea to come home on Monday and help. We also did not want to send her to nursery today so Ben stayed home with her. I wanted to make sure she was healthy for our swim classes that start tomorrow!

I am crossing my fingers for a normal, nice week this week! I promise that Bailey doesn't always look like a little homeless girl!

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